Our goal is to assist stakeholders of academic publishing and educational ecosystem – academic and educational publishers, technology providers, authors, and readers.

We consult and share our knowledge

We provide place for networking

We initiate innovative IT solutions

We keep stakeholders aware of best practices applied in academic and educational publishing.

We gather stakeholders to share and discuss opportunities, challanges and best practices within academic and educational publishing.

We develop innovative solutions and tools for science and educational publishing market.

VTEX investicijos, JSC
UAB “VTEX Investicijos” is a company that invests in technology. We focus on technologies related to preparation of scientific literature for publication. We also invest in technologies that optimize scientific publishing process and improve published scientific information retrieval.
We are innovators. We continuously observe market development and initiate progress ourselves. Only reliable, stable operating and socially responsible companies belong to our group of companies. In all areas of business we apply high ethical, legal and professional standards. Good working conditions are established within our group of companies, so employees are willing to join our team.
Over 250 people are employed within the group of companies. More than half of employees have master’s degrees in the fields of science, 31 employees have PhDs in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Specialized publishing IT services, vtex.lt
VTeX provides services for science publishing industry since 1991. Our main goal is to make publishing and research processes more efficient and less time-consuming. By making content rich, clear, and discoverable, we make information discovery and dissemination faster. We offer LaTeX typesetting and related services, and PubliMill publishing platform.
LaTeX typesetting, copyediting, and related services are provided for STM publishing houses, university presses, and academic associations. With a wide experience in typesetting academic journals and books, we excellence in processing LaTeX materials with heavy mathematical content. High-quality typesetting services are accompanied by other necessary services, as artwork preparation or language editing, and LaTeX-oriented tools, like online accessible SkyLaTeX or the subject index preparation tool AKIS.
PubliMill publishing platform is designed for academic societies, university presses, small and medium publishers. PubliMill hosting module provides a new digital look and enriches journals and articles content. It allows publishers to manage journals with easy controls – no training or any extra technical knowledge is required. In 2021 we will introduce production tracking and peer-review modules to the market.
We enjoy being around publishers, every year we participate at the Frankfurt Book fair, London Book Fair, Academic Publishing in Europe conference, STM conference, European Congress of Mathematics, and many others. In various events we have a chance to, talk, get inspired, and network with publishing experts, writers, and cultural enthusiasts from all over the world. We also meet with our existing and prospect clients, discuss new solutions and services that our company has developed.
Since we provide services that are eventually used by many authors and publishers, it is essential for us to understand authors’ and publishers’ needs and expectations. Together with Science Publishing Cluster we initiate surveys and interviews with authors to understand better what authors and publishers need to have publishing process more efficient. We also actively participate in organizing seminars.

Visoriai Information Technology Park
Our aim is to help our companies grow and build a professional community. Our main activities are rendering consulting services on innovation, finance, R&D to innovative companies. We organize information events for professionals and during innovation workshops we help to develop insights for initiating and creating new products or services. Cluster coordinator.

Specialized publishing IT services, tev.lt

The Association of Lithuanian Serials
Mission of the Association is to use its best endeavours to unite the Lithuanian research journal publishers and to promote the development of innovative technologies in publishing to speed and facilitate scholarly research.
The Association of Lithuanian Serials unites 131 Lithuanian research journals published by 26 members. Its mission is to assist national journals be innovative and respond to the needs of current scholarly communication.
The Association of Lithuanian Serials is the only Sponsoring member of Crossref in Lithuania. Currently the association publishes books for promoting professional academic publishing.

ImPro, JSC
IT solutions, impro.lt
Programming of various difficulties data bases (MySQL).

Ex Datum, JSC
Specialized publishing IT services, Information and communications technology, exdatum.eu
Data excerption from chemistry journals and patents.

TeX Users Group
The Lithuanian TeX Users Group (LT-TUG) is a volunteer society of TeX users (in academia and science related field) that develops and promotes the use of TeX and related software in Lithuania. More information about this group and how to became a member of LT-TUG can be found at www.ltex.lt (in Lithuanian language).
TeX is a typesetting system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX) which was designed and written by Donald Knuth and first released in 1978 and has been noted as one of the most sophisticated digital typographical systems. It is also used for many other typesetting tasks, especially in the form of LaTeX, ConTeXt, and other macro packages.
Lithuanian TeX Users Group is a member of world wide TeX User Group, which is a membership-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1980, for anyone who uses the LaTeX typesetting system and/or is interested in typography and font design (https://tug.org/).
Who are we looking for
We invite organizations and individuals to join our cluster. While working together we can improve process of scientific and educational content dissemination, initiate new tools, technologies, and best practices.
Join us